
Apple Butter Vinaigrette

Perfect for a winter or fall salad, Apple Butter Vinaigrette is full of spices and low on fat. 
Apple Butter Vinaigrette recipe from
I am loving condiment year. I just turned a condiment, into another condiment. I mean that is just a two for one that makes this year awesome! Also awesome? A no fat salad dressing with no preservatives, where I can literally name every ingredient in it. FINALLY there is something healthy on my site. Okay, so it's really only healthy if you don't care about sugar, which, clearly, I do not. 

I have some exciting little charitable news. I've donated two bottles of caramel apple cider syrup to Steph's Bite by Bite auction. All monetary donations made will go to benefit the efforts of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in their fight against Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and Myeloma. The bake sale will be Monday, January 31st on her blog  ONE DAY ONLY and will be offering more than 40 baked good for you to bid on! 

The bake sale runs like an autcion, the highest bidder at the end of the bake sale wins that baked good!! Easy enough right? I hope you participate in this cute little baker sale….which has me thinking….I should REALLY do something like this! So, perhaps I shall get Steph to send me her notes after and we’ll see what we can do.


Apple Butter Vinaigrette

3 tablespoons apple butter (such as my five spice apple butter that I used)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Mix together thoroughly and pour over a salad. Easiest. Recipe. Ever. 

My salad show above has pear slices, toasted almonds, and spinach. Enjoy!