
Snowy Street Ice Cream

This playful take on Rocky Road Ice Cream features white chocolate, toasted marshmallows and hazelnuts.
Snowy Street Ice Cream recipe from
I woke up to snow this morning. I'm from the Southwest so I wasn't really raised with an application for snow. I somewhat feel that is must be an acquired taste. I've lived in snowy climates for the better part of the last decade and still haven't felt that love. I learned to ski (in Dubai ironically) but haven't felt the urge to try it again. I know people love skiing. The idea of flying down a mountain with two pieces of wood tied to my shoes just sounds like a really bad idea. Maybe I just had a bad teacher. Actually, who wouldn't yell abusively after I slid down the bunny hill on my back, head first, into a fence while a four year old child skied circles around me? For the record, I was laughing not crying while he yelled. It was hilarious. Even I can see that! Just not to him.

Today in DC we are expecting more snow. After lasts years multiple blizzards I'm not feeling particularly excited to see any snow. At all. Even one flake. I call it post traumatic snowmaggedon disorder. Something about three feet of snow and being trapped in my house watching Martha Steward Bride for four days doesn't bode well with me. Especially not after spinning my car out a few weeks ago. If there is snow, I'm just going to bunker down. I am not braving the hour long lines at the store. I am a chef. I am creative. I have eggs, butter, milk and seven types of salt. I will thrive. It's an iron chef for one.

The only form of snow I'm interested in, is my snowy streets ice cream. Call it an epiphany based on looking out my living room windows. Why not a white chocolate version of rocky road? Sounds good to me, and since I'm bunkered down I have the time!

Snowy Street Ice Cream 

3 cups half and half
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 large egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar, divided
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup white chocolate (chips are okay, but high quality is highly recommended)
1 cup mini marshmallows, toasted
½ cup coarsely chopped hazelnuts, toasted

Scald one cup of half and half along with ½ cup sugar and salt over medium heat in a medium sauce pan. Remove from heat. 

In a stand mixer whisk together the yolks and ¼ cup sugar until light and fluffy, then gradually pour the scalded half and half down the side of the bowl as the mixer is still going. 

Pour the mixture back into the sauce pan along with the white chocolate, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture has thickened and will coat the back of the spoon. Remove from heat, and pour through a fine mesh sieve into a clean bowl. Add in the remaining half and half, and vanilla. Chill the custard thoroughly. About two hours. 

Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker. Allow the ice cream to churn until finished. Add in marshmallows and toasted hazelnuts at the last minute. Freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.