
Orange Honey Caramel Corn

Orange Caramel Popcorn balls take caramel corn to a whole new level.
Orange Honey Caramel Corn recipe from
Now, some people have children they talk about constantly. Others have dogs, and yet another subset of the populations finds signed sporting goods fill their hearts with joy. I make no judgment on anything that brings joy to their lives. Why? I have no room to judge.....but I do tease......a lot. People need to laugh more, thus I tease about anything and everything under the sun. Earlier this week I posted "what if i talked about my new kindle like people do about their babies? i'm just saying, my kindle can hold 3,500 books....what does your baby do?" My favorite response was "My Kindle learned how to sync up with my droid pro the other day. THEY GROW UP SO FAST!" We jest. I love my friends, their children, and even their signed sporting goods collections, and just to be fair, your signed sporting goods collection can't hold 3,500 books either. Win for the Kindle!

Now, I want to announce my new joy: The Picture Recipe Index.

Yes, another attempt at a great recipe index! After the responses I got from the last little questionnaire about my index, I decided to try out Index 3.0. The majority of people preferred the original index, so it's like that, only split into pages and all the recipes have pictures with them! Please let me know what you think! Also, to the respondent who said "The new one sucks" about my last test index.... you are awesome! I laughed out loud. :) Now, not all the recipes are filled in. This is just what I could build between 4 pm yesterday and this morning, and the ice cream section isn't working yet. It's a baby index. Give it time. If your responses come back in favor of the pictures I'll do my best to finish it up this weekend! :)

Thanks all!

Orange Honey Caramel Corn Balls

6 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup light brown sugar
3 Tbsp. orange honey
3 Tbsp. light corn syrup
10 cups popped popcorn
2 tsp. fine sea salt
1 1/2 cups honey-roasted peanuts

In a saucepan melt butter over medium heat. Add sugars, orange honey, and corn syrup and cook to 300° stirring occasionally.

Place popcorn in a lightly oiled bowl. Pour caramel over popcorn and toss to combine, using spatulas sprayed with cooking spray. When popcorn has cooled slightly but is not quite set, mix in salt and peanuts. With oiled hands, form into 2-inch balls, working quickly, to get all the popcorn balls made before the caramel sets!